MapaFuenteFuenteDescripciónLink de descarga
SHAPEGlobal Map of Oil Palm Plantations. 2019.Adrià, D., Wich, S., Meijaard, E., Gaveau, D., Peedell, S., & Szantoi, Z.Study presenting the first global map of oil palm plantations for the year 2019 derived from remotely sensed data with a spatial resolution of 10m. Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 data were used for this purpose in a map that discriminates between smallholder and industrial oil palm plantations.Access
SHAPEMGN-Urban Zone Level integrated to CNPV2018Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadística (DANE)MGN-Urban Zone Level integrated to CNPV2018Access
SHAPELand cover in the Colombian Amazon. 2002Instituto Amazónico de Investigaciones Científicas (SINCHI)Land cover map of the Colombian Amazon at a scale of 1:100,000 for the year 2002.Access
SHAPELand cover in the Colombian Amazon. 2007Instituto Amazónico de Investigaciones Científicas (SINCHI)Land cover map of the Colombian Amazon at a scale of 1:100,000 for the year 2007.Access
SHAPELand cover in the Colombian Amazon. 2012Instituto Amazónico de Investigaciones Científicas (SINCHI)Land cover map of the Colombian Amazon at a scale of 1:100,000 for the year 2012.Access
SHAPELand cover in the Colombian Amazon. 2014Instituto Amazónico de Investigaciones Científicas (SINCHI)Land cover map of the Colombian Amazon at a scale of 1:100,000 for the year 2014.Access
SHAPEMultitemporal evolution of the glacier surface of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta 1850-2017.Instituto de Hidrología, Meteorología y Estudios Ambientales (IDEAM)" Multitemporal analysis of the change in the glacier coverage area over the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. "Access
SHAPEMultitemporal evolution of the glacier surface of the Sierra Nevada del Cocuy 1850-2016.Instituto de Hidrología, Meteorología y Estudios Ambientales (IDEAM)Multitemporal analysis of the change of the glacier coverage area over the Sierra Nevada del Cocuy.Access
SHAPEMultitemporal evolution of the glacier surface of the Nevado de Santa Isabel Volcano from 1850-2016.Instituto de Hidrología, Meteorología y Estudios Ambientales (IDEAM)Multitemporal analysis of the change of the glacier coverage area on the Nevado de Santa Isabel Volcano.Access
SHAPEMultitemporal evolution of the glacier surface of the Nevado del Huila Volcano 1850-2016.Instituto de Hidrología, Meteorología y Estudios Ambientales (IDEAM)Multitemporal analysis of the change of the glacier coverage area on the Nevado del Huila Volcano.Access
SHAPEMultitemporal evolution of the glacier surface of the Nevado del Ruiz Volcano 1850-2016.Instituto de Hidrología, Meteorología y Estudios Ambientales (IDEAM)Multitemporal analysis of the change of the glacier coverage area on the Nevado del Ruiz volcano.Access
SHAPEGLIMS: Global Land Ice Measurements From Space.National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC)Global Land Ice Measurements from Space (GLIMS) is an international initiative with the goal of repeatedly surveying the world's approximately 200,000 glaciers. The project seeks to feed into the global Randolph Glacier Inventory (RGI) of land ice, including measurements of glacier area, geometry, surface velocity, and snowline elevation. To perform these analyses, the GLIMS project uses satellite data, primarily from the Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) and Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+), as well as historical information derived from maps and aerial photographs.Access
SHAPEGlobal Lakes and Wetlands Database.World Wild Life (WWF) – Centro de Investigación de Sistemas Ambientales – Universidad de KasselCombination of multiple sources available for lakes and wetlands at a global scale (1:1 to 1:3 million resolution) and the application of GIS functionality. This allows the generation of a database that focuses on three coordinated levels on (1) large lakes and reservoirs, (2) smaller water bodies, and (3) wetlands.Access
SHAPEForest/non-forest map for Colombia. 2000Instituto de Hidrología, Meteorología y Estudios Ambientales (IDEAM)Forest/non-forest map for the Colombian continental area from Landsat images for the year 2000.Access
SHAPEForest/non-forest map for Colombia. 2005Instituto de Hidrología, Meteorología y Estudios Ambientales (IDEAM)Forest/non-forest map for the Colombian continental area from Landsat images for the year 2005.Access
SHAPEForest/non-forest map for Colombia. 2010Instituto de Hidrología, Meteorología y Estudios Ambientales (IDEAM)Forest/non-forest map for the Colombian continental area from Landsat images for the year 2010.Access
SHAPEForest/non-forest map for Colombia. 2012Instituto de Hidrología, Meteorología y Estudios Ambientales (IDEAM)Forest/non-forest map for the Colombian continental area from Landsat images for the year 2012.Access
SHAPEForest/non-forest map for Colombia. 2013Instituto de Hidrología, Meteorología y Estudios Ambientales (IDEAM)Forest/non-forest map for the Colombian continental area from Landsat images for the year 2013.Access
SHAPEForest/non-forest map for Colombia. 2014Instituto de Hidrología, Meteorología y Estudios Ambientales (IDEAM)Forest/non-forest map for the Colombian continental area from Landsat images for the year 2014.Access
SHAPEMap of forest change 2012- 2013 for Colombia.Instituto de Hidrología, Meteorología y Estudios Ambientales (IDEAM)Forest/non-forest map for the Colombian continental area from Landsat images for the year 2012.Access
SHAPEEcosystems map. 2012.Instituto Amazónico de Investigaciones Científicas (SINCHI)Aquatic and terrestrial ecosystem layer of 2012 of the Amazon Region scale 1:100,000, according to CORINE Land Cover methodology and the delimitation and classification of geoform units, climate (temperatures - climatic floors and precipitation).Access
SHAPEMap of wetlands in ColombiaSistema de informacion abierta de colombia – Ministerio de medio ambiente y recursos naturalesThe Wetlands layer at a scale of 1:100,000 updated in 2020 shows the spatial limits constructed from the resolutions and technical exercises carried out for each of the study zones. It covers the entire continental extension of the Colombian territory, where the wetlands are located.Access
SHAPEAgricultural Landscapes of the Colombian Amazon. 2002.Instituto Amazónico de Investigaciones Científicas (SINCHI)" Map of agricultural and livestock landscapes for the 2002 period at a scale of 1:100,000 corresponding to the area anthropically transformed by agricultural or livestock activities. "Access
SHAPE"Agricultural landscapes of the Colombian Amazon. 2007. "Instituto Amazónico de Investigaciones Científicas (SINCHI)Map of agricultural and livestock landscapes for the 2007 period at a scale of 1:100,000 corresponding to the area anthropically transformed by agricultural or livestock activities.Access
SHAPE" Agricultural landscapes of the Colombian Amazon. 2012. "Instituto Amazónico de Investigaciones Científicas (SINCHI)" Map of agricultural and livestock landscapes for the 2012 period at a scale of 1:100,000 corresponding to the area anthropically transformed by agricultural or livestock activities. "Access
SHAPEAgricultural landscapes of the Colombian Amazon. 2014.Instituto Amazónico de Investigaciones Científicas (SINCHI)Map of agricultural and livestock landscapes for the period 2014 at a scale of 1:100,000 corresponding to the area anthropically transformed by agricultural or livestock activities.Access
SHAPEDelimited Wilderness June 2020Sistema de informacion abierta de colombia – Ministerio de medio ambiente y recursos naturalesLayer containing the boundaries of the delimited moorlands as of June 2020 (scales 1:25000 and 1:100.000).Access
SHAPE" Delimited moorlands. 2020. "Ministerio de ambiente y desarrollo sostenibleLayer containing the boundaries of the delimited moorlands as of June 2020 (scales 1:25,000 and 1:100,000).Access
RASTERGlobal 2010 Bare Ground (30 m).Hansen, M.C., Potapov, P.V., Moore, R., Hancher, M., Turubanova, S.A., Tyukavina, A., Thau, D., Stehman, S.V., Goetz, S.J., Loveland, T.R., Kommareddy, A., Egorov, A., Chini, L., Justice, C.O., y Townshend, J.R.GMap of global bare ground cover via per-pixel estimates of percent bare ground cover circa 2010, derived from Landsat 7 ETM+ median reflectance values per band of all cloud/shadow-free observations during the growing season.Access
RASTERGlobal 2010 Tree Cover (30 m).Hansen, M.C., Potapov, P.V., Moore, R., Hancher, M., Turubanova, S.A., Tyukavina, A., Thau, D., Stehman, S.V., Goetz, S.J., Loveland, T.R., Kommareddy, A., Egorov, A., Chini, L., Justice, C.O., y Townshend, J.R.GThe global tree cover data (treecover2010) are per-pixel estimates of maximum percent tree cover from around 2010 (peak of the growing season) derived from Landsat 7 ETM+ annual cloud-free growing season composite data. A regression tree model estimating percent tree canopy cover per pixel was applied to annual composites from 2000 to 2012 inclusive. Data gaps and noise from individual years were replaced using median values from multiple years. First, a median of annual tree canopy cover values from 2009-2011 was used to estimate 2010 tree cover. For pixels that do not yet have an estimate, the median calculation was expanded to include tree cover values from 2008 to 2011 and then from 2008 to 2012. The resulting layer represents the estimated maximum tree canopy cover per pixel, 1-100% for 2010 in integer values (1-100).Access
RASTERGlobal Forest Canopy Height. 2019.P. Potapov, X. Li, A. Hernandez-Serna, A. Tyukavina, M.C. Hansen, A. Kommareddy, A. Pickens, S. Turubanova, H. Tang, C.E. Silva, J. Armston, R. Dubayah, J. B. Blair, MA new global map of forest canopy height at 30 m spatial resolution was developed by integrating Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation (GEDI) lidar forest structure measurements and Landsat analysis-ready time series data. NASA's GEDI is a space-based instrument operating aboard the International Space Station since April 2019. It provides footprint-based measurements of vegetation structure, including forest canopy height between 52 ° N and 52 ° S globally. Landsat multi-temporal metrics representing surface phenology serve as independent variables for global forest height modeling. The locally applied and calibrated bagged regression tree ensemble model of “moving window” regression was implemented to ensure high quality of forest height prediction and consistency of the global map.Access
RASTERGlobal land cover and land use. 2019, v1.0.M.C. Hansen, P.V. Potapov, A.H. Pickens, A. Tyukavina, A. Hernandez-Serna, V. Zalles, S. Turubanova, I. Kommareddy, S.V. Stehman.Global land cover and land use map of 2019 derived from Landsat satellite imagery and, from it, where the spatial extent and dispersion of land use disaggregated by climate domain and ecozone is estimated.Access
RASTERPrimary Humid Tropical Forests.Turubanova S., Potapov P., Tyukavina, A., y Hansen MPrimary tropical rainforest map. The extent of the primary forest was mapped for the year 2001 at a spatial resolution of 30 meters using Landsat images acquired worldwide, free of charge and constantly processed.Access
RASTERRapid expansion of human impact on natural land in South America since 1985.Global Land Analysis & Discovery" Strata class codes are the following classes: outside the study area, other land use, stable land cover, stable land cover, Amazon, regrowth, tree plantations, cropland 2016-2018, cropland 1985-1994, and water. "Access
RASTERGlobal Forest Cover Change (GFCC) Tree Cover Multi-Year Global 30m.Sexton, J. O., Song, X.-P., Feng, M., Noojipady, P., Anand, A., Huang, C., Kim, D.-H., Collins, K.M., Channan, S., DiMiceli, C., y Townshend, J.R.GLandsat Vegetation Continuous Fields (VCF) tree cover layers contain estimates of the percentage of horizontal ground in each 30 m pixel covered by woody vegetation greater than 5 m in height. The dataset is available for four epochs centered on the years 2000, 2005, 2010, and 2015. The dataset is derived from the GFCC Surface Reflectance (GFCC30SR) product, which is based on enhanced Global Land Survey (GLS) datasets. The GLS datasets are composed of high-resolution Landsat 5 Thematic Mapper (TM) and Landsat 7 Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) imagery with a resolution of 30 meters.Access
RASTERGlobal high-resolution floodplains (GFPLAIN250m).Nardi, Fernando; Annis, AntonioThe GF PLAIN 250 m includes raster data of the Earth's floodplains identified using a geometric approach presented in Nardi et al. (2006, 2018). The 250 m floodplain dataset is derived from NASA SRTM digital elevation model processing compiled from (, and in particular the 250 m SRTM version 4.1 DTM.Access
RASTERGlobal Mangrove Forests Distribution. 2000.NASA SEDAC at the Center for International Earth Science Information NetworkDatabase prepared from 2000 Landsat satellite data. More than 1,000 Landsat scenes obtained from the USGS Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center were classified using hybrid supervised and unsupervised digital image classification techniques with NASA funding.Access
RASTERHigh Resolution Population Density Maps + Demographic Estimates.Facebook Connectivity Lab and Center for International Earth Science Information Network – CIESIN – Columbia UniversityMachine learning-based computer vision method for creating population maps from global-scale satellite imagery, with spatial sensitivity corresponding to individual buildings and suitable for global deployment. By combining this settlement data with census data, population maps with a resolution of ~30 meters are created.Access
RASTERWWF HydroSHEDS Free Flowing Rivers Network v1.World Wildlife FundHydroSHEDS is a mapping product that provides hydrographic information for regional and global scale applications.Access
RASTERGHS-BUILTComisión Europea" Multitemporal information layer on the presence of built-up area derived from Landsat image collections (GLS1975, GLS1990, GLS2000 and Landsat 8 2013/2014 ad-hoc collection). "Access
RASTERGLC_FCS30: Global land-cover product with fine classification system at 30 m using time-series Landsat imagery.Liangyun,Liu, Xiao,Zhang, Xidong,Chen, Yuan,Gao, y Jun, MiA new global 30 m land cover product with a fine classification system for the year 2015 (GLC_FCS30-2015). The product was produced by combining time series of Landsat imagery and high quality training data from GSPECLib (Global Spatial Spatial Temporal Spectra Library) on the Google Earth Engine computing platform.Access
RASTERGlobal cropland expansion in the 21st century.P. Potapov, S. Turubanova, M.C. Hansen, A. Tyukavina, V. Zalles, A. Khan, X.-P. Song, A. Pickens, Q. Shen, J. CortezTime series of global-scale cropland extent at a spatial resolution of 30 m was derived from the Landsat satellite data archive with four-year mapping intervals. Cultivated areas are defined as all land used for annual and perennial arable crops for human consumption, fodder (including hay) and biofuels.Access
MAPGlobal 1-km Consensus Land Cover.National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS) – NASA – National Science Foundation (NSF) – Yale UniversityThe datasets integrate multiple land cover products derived from global remote sensing and provide consensus information on the prevalence of 12 land cover classes at 1 km resolution.Access
MAPWorld Settlement Footprint 2015, 2019 y World Settlement Footprint Evolution (1985-2015)Marconcini, Mattia; Metz-Marconcini, Annekatrin; Üreyen, Soner; Palacios-Lopez, Daniela; Hanke, Wiebke; Bachofer, Felix; et alThe World Settlement Footprint (WSF) is a 10 m resolution binary mask describing the extent of human settlement globally derived using multi-temporal Landsat-8 and Sentinel-1 imagery (of which ~217,000 and ~107,000 scenes have been processed, respectively).Access
MAPContinental, marine and coastal ecosystems of Colombia. 2017Instituto de Hidrología, Meteorología y Estudios Ambientales (IDEAM)Map of continental, coastal and marine ecosystems of Colombia, scale 1:100,000 version 2.1 elaborated from base information corresponding to: a) climatic classification of Caldas Lang from IDEAM b) Geopedology map from IGAC c) Land cover map from IDEAM, et al d) Map of biotic units generated by IAvH.Access
MAPEvolución multitemporal de la superficie glaciar del Volcán Nevado del Tolima de 1850-2016.Instituto de Hidrología, Meteorología y Estudios Ambientales (IDEAM)Análisis multitemporal del cambio del área de cobertura glaciar sobre el Volcán Nevado del Tolima .Access
GEOVISORAmazon Mining WatchRed de Investigaciones de los Bosques Tropicales (RIN) del Centro Pulitzer – Amazon Conservation – Earth GenomeGeographic viewer with regional scale mining data for the Amazon from 2018 to 2023.Access
GEOVISORANM GeoportalAgencia Nacional de Minería (ANM)Geographic viewer with the data of the areas of mining title lincences in ColombiaAccess
GEOVISORBIESIMCIOficina de las Naciones Unidas Contra la Droga y el Delito (UNODC) – Ministerio de Minas y Energía de Colombia – Asuntos Antinarcóticos y Aplicación de la Ley (INL) – Embajada de los Estados UnidosGeographic viewer with Alluvial Gold Mining Evidence (EVOA) data for Colombia.Access
GEOVISORBing MapsMicrosoftBing Maps is an online mapping service that is part of Microsoft's Bing search engine suite, and operates on the Bing Maps platform. The aerial view combines satellite imagery with the map, highlighting important roads and landmarks for easy identification in the satellite imagery.Access
GEOVISORBasic cartography department of BoyacáGobernación de Boyacá – SIGTERThe Governor's Office of Boyacá, in the fulfillment of its functions, has created tools to support decision making in the Boyacá territory through agreements and alliances with various entities at the national and departmental level. This platform allows exploring and downloading departmental geographic information provided by the Agustín Codazzi Geographic Institute, as well as thematic cartography of Regional Autonomous Corporations and other entities.Access
GEOVISORCartography of the Atrato river basinMinisterio de medio ambiente y desarrollo sostenibleGeographic viewer of the Atrato river basin delimitationAccess
GEOVISORLand cover 2000 - 2002.Instituto de Hidrología, Meteorología y Estudios Ambientales (IDEAM)Land Cover Map Corine Land Cover Methodology Adapted for Colombia Scale 1:100,000 Period 2000 - 2002Access
GEOVISORLand cover 2005 - 2009.Instituto de Hidrología, Meteorología y Estudios Ambientales (IDEAM)Land Cover Map Corine Land Cover Methodology Adapted for Colombia Scale 1:100,000 Period 2005 - 2009Access
GEOVISORCORINE Land Cover Methodology adapted for Colombia. 2018.Instituto de Hidrología, Meteorología y Estudios Ambientales (IDEAM) – Instituto Amazónico de Investigaciones Científicas (SINCHI) – Parques Nacionales Naturales (PNN)The geographic objective of the Land Cover map period 2018 at scale 1:100,000 corresponds to the reinterpretation and/or visual interpretation of Landsat 8 images for the continental part and Sentinel 2 images for the archipelago of San Andres, Providencia and Santa Catalina, all with capture date within the period (year) 2018. It consists of 54 thematic classes in the level 3 attribute and 130 thematic classes in the legend attribute, according to the National Land Cover legend, ranging up to the maximum interpreted level, thus reaching the third, fourth, fifth and sixth levels in some coverages.Access
GEOVISORColombian Mining Monitoring (COMIMO).Universidad del RosarioCoMiMo is a free access tool that analyzes the entire country on a monthly basis in search of open pit mines to visualize their location. CoMiMo will make it possible to detect illegal mining and act in a timely manner to counteract its impacts.Access
GEOVISORCopernicus Global Land Cover Layers: Colección CGLS-LC100 3.Buchhorn, M. ; Lesiv, M. ; Tsendbazar, N. – E. ; Herold, M. ; Bertels, L. y Smets, BThe 100 m resolution dynamic land cover map (CGLS-LC100) provides a primary land cover outline. In addition to these discrete classes, the product also includes continuous field layers for all basic land cover classes that provide proportional vegetation/land cover estimates for land cover types. E.g. crop cover fraction, grass cover fraction.Access
GEOVISORDynamics of agricultural landscapesSistema de Información Ambiental Territorial de la Amazonia Colombiana (SIAT-AC)Dynamics of agricultural landscapesAccess
GEOVISORESA WorldCover 10m. 2020-2021.Agencia Espacial Europea (ESA)The European Space Agency (ESA) WorldCover 10m product provides a global land cover map at 10 m resolution based on Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 data. The WorldCover product comes with 11 land cover classes, aligned with the UN-FAO Land Cover Classification System, and has been generated under the ESA WorldCover project.Access
GEOVISORESRI Global Land Use Land Cover from Sentinel-2.Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI)Global land use/land cover (LULC) map developed with Esri and in collaboration with Microsoft's AI for Earth. This was built using the highest resolution and publicly available satellite data from the European Space Agency.Access
GEOVISORCrop ExplorerUnited States Department of Agriculture (USDA)The International Production Assessment Division (IPAD) of USDA's Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) is responsible for assessing global crop conditions and estimating the area, yield, and production of grains, oilseeds, and cotton. IPAD's primary mission is to provide an objective and accurate assessment of global agricultural production and conditions that impact food security around the globe. Regional analysts use remote sensing and geographic information systems (GIS) to collect market information and analyze satellite image data in near real time to estimate global production.Access
GEOVISORNational agricultural frontierUnidad de Planificación Rural Agropecuaria (UPRA)Map of the national agricultural frontier, natural forests and non-agricultural areas and legal exclusions.Access
GEOVISORGeovisor wetlands - resource monitoringUniversidad McGill (McGill)
– World Wildlife Fund (WWF)
This dataset estimates large-scale wetland distributions and major wetland complexes, including areas of marsh, fen, peatland, and water (Lehner and Döll 2004). Large rivers are also included as wetlands (lotic wetlands); only a river with adjacent wetlands (floodplain) is assumed to be wide enough to appear as a polygon on coarse-scale source maps.Access
GEOVISORGlobal Distribution of Mangroves USGSGiri C, Ochieng E, Tieszen LL, Zhu Z, Singh A, Loveland T, Masek J, y Duke NDataset showing the global distribution of mangrove forests, derived from satellite earth observation imagery. The dataset was created using Global Land Survey ( GLS ) data and the Landsat archive. Approximately 1000 Landsat scenes were interpreted using hybrid supervised and unsupervised digital image classification techniques. See Giri et al. (2011) for more details.Access
GEOVISORGlobal Distribution of Modelled Mangrove Biomass. 2014.Hutchison J, Manica A, Swetnam R, Balmford A, Spalding MDataset showing modeled global patterns of aboveground biomass of mangrove forests. Based on a review of 95 field studies worldwide on mangrove carbon storage and fluxes, a climate-based model for potential mangrove above-ground biomass was developed, with nearly four times the explanatory power of the only previously published model. The map highlights the high variability in mangrove aboveground biomass and indicates areas that could be prioritized for mangrove conservation and restoration.Access
GEOVISORGlobal Mangrove Watch (1996 - 2020) Version 3.0Global Mangrove AllianceIn this study, global L-band synthetic aperture radar (SAR) mosaic data sets from the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) for 11 epochs from 1996 to 2020 were used to develop a long-term time series of global mangrove extent and change.Access
GEOVISORHansen Global Forest Change v1.8.Hansen, M. C., P. V. Potapov, R. Moore, M. Hancher, S. A. Turubanova, A. Tyukavina, D. Thau, S. V. Stehman, S. J. Goetz, T. R. Loveland, A. Kommareddy, A. Egorov, L. Chini, C. O. Justice, y J. R. G. Townshend" Results of time series analysis of Landsat imagery to characterize global forest extent and change. "Access
GEOVISORMangroves of ColombiaInstituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras “José Benito Vives de Andreis” (INVEMAR)" Vector layer of mangroves in Colombia using digital image processing techniques. For the Caribbean and Pacific at a scale of 1:25,000, the methodology was based on a semi-automated process in the Google Earth Engine platform where optical and radar images were used to classify mangrove and other general coverages in a supervised manner. Field points and high resolution imagery were used to train and validate the classification. Different algorithms were used for the Caribbean and Pacific due to the particular conditions of each zone; for the Pacific, images from the years 2019 and 2020 were processed; in the case of the Caribbean, images from the year 2020 were processed. For both cases the minimum mapping unit is 1600 m2. For San Andres, Providencia and Santa Catalina the mapping scale is 1:5,000, and its methodology consisted of processing and visual interpretation of high resolution images. "Access
GEOVISORCrop map.Agencia Espacial Europea (ESA)" WorldCereal developed an efficient, agile and robust Earth observation-based system for timely global field-scale crop monitoring. The open source WorldCereal system allows to create local to global annual cropland extent maps at 10 m resolution, update crop maps seasonally, differentiate between irrigated and active rainfed fields, produce global maps of maize and wheat, two of the main staple crops. "Access
GEOVISORGlobal Terrestrial Ecoregions Map (ETM)World Wildlife Fund (WWF)Biogeographic regionalization representing different terrestrial ecoregions of the world, defined as relatively large units of land or water that contain natural communities and share similar species, dynamics and environmental conditions. This classification, based on hundreds of studies, covers 867 terrestrial ecoregions organized into 14 biomes, such as forests, grasslands, and deserts. The ecoregions show the original distribution of species and communities, with descriptions of climate, relief, fauna, flora, threats and conservation actions. The map has been prepared by the Conservation Science Program of the World Wildlife Fund.Access
GEOVISORGlobal Wetlands MapPrograma de Adaptación y Mitigación de Humedales Sostenibles ( SWAMP ) – Centro para la Investigación Forestal Internacional ( CIFOR ) – Servicio Forestal de los Estados Unidos – Agencia de los Estados Unidos para el Desarrollo Internacional ( USAID ) -Programa de Investigación del CGIAR sobre Bosques, Árboles y Agroforestería ( FTA )The Global Wetland Map covers tropical and subtropical regions (40° N to 60° S; 180° E to -180° W), excluding small islands. This mapping is a hydrogeomorphological model based on an Expert System approach to estimate wetland areas, which is based on three biophysical indices related to wetland and peatland formation: (1) long-term water supply exceeding atmospheric water demand; (2) annually or seasonally waterlogged soils; and (3) a geomorphological position where water is supplied and retained (Gumbricht et al. 2017).Access
GEOVISORMCD12Q1.006 MODIS Land Cover Type Yearly Global 500m.Friedl, M., Sulla-Menashe, D. – NASA EOSDIS Land Processes Distributed Active Archive CenterThe MCD12Q1 V6 product provides global land cover types at annual intervals (2001-2016) derived from six different classification schemes. It is derived using supervised classifications of MODIS Terra and Aqua reflectance data.Access
GEOVISOROpen map titlesApple MapsApple is conducting field measurements with vehicles around the world to collect data to improve Apple Maps and support the “Look Around” functionality.Access
GEOVISORWatershed Management Plans (POMCA)Ministerio de ambiente y desarrollo sostenible" Geovisor of the POMCA with information reported by the Environmental Authorities to the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development. "Access
GEOVISORPlanet Level 1 - Monthly mosaicsPLANETSatellite images of Colombia [Satellite photography]Access
GEOVISORMarine Environmental Information System (SIAM)Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras “José Benito Vives de Andréis” (INVEMAR)Geographic portal that allows the visualization of environmental information and the use of coastal marine resources in Colombia.Access
GEOVISORMarine Environmental Information System (SIAM)Obsercatorio de Conflictos Ambientales (OCA) – Universidad Nacional de ColombiaThe platform presents nationwide environmental data based on free and open source software.Access
GEOVISORInformation System for the Management of Mangroves in Colombia (SIGMA)Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras “José Benito Vives de Andréis” (INVEMAR)Instrument designed to promote knowledge and research on the mangrove ecosystem in the country.Access
GEOVISORTree Cover Height.World Resources Institute (WRI)This dataset shows the annual tree canopy height in meters for South America for the period 1985-2016. Tree canopy height is estimated using Landsat satellite imagery calibrated with LIDAR data.Access
GEOVISORGlobal-scale data set of mining areas.FINEPRINTBased on visual interpretation of satellite imagery with Sentinel-2, the map of mining activities worldwide and the estimated area directly used for mining activities, in particular coal and metallic minerals, is presented. The mining polygons include all satellite-identified features in mining areas, such as open pits, tailings dams, waste rock piles, water ponds and processing infrastructure.Access
GEOVISOREnvironmental Geographic ViewerSecretaria de Ambiente BogotáThe District Secretariat of the Environment of Bogota has implemented a tool that facilitates access to relevant environmental information for citizens, academia, and the public and private sectors. This environmental geographic viewer is part of the Secretariat's Environmental Information System, and is based on the principles of policies, standards and interoperability established by the Spatial Data Infrastructure for the Capital District (IDECA). In addition, it has been developed using free and open source software tools.Access
GEOVISORAdvanced Geographic Viewer of the Corporación Autónoma Regional del Valle del CaucaGrupo Sistemas de Información Ambiental (SIA) – Dirección Técnica Ambiental – Corporación Autónoma Regional del Valle del Cauca (CVC)The GeoCVC Portal of the Corporación Autónoma Regional del Valle del Cauca - CVC is a tool for consultation and analysis of basic and thematic cartographic information (vector and raster), as a result of the survey and constant updating of the physical-biotic and social information that under an ecosystemic approach is being carried out throughout the department of Valle del Cauca. This information integrates environmental data, which are essential for the management and planning of the territory.Access
GEOVISORGlobal Forest WatchInstituto de Recursos Mundiales (WRI)Global Forest Watch (GFW) is an online platform that provides data and tools for forest monitoring. By leveraging cutting-edge technology, GFW allows anyone to access near real-time information on where and how forests are changing around the world.Access
GEOVISORMapBiomas Colombia Collection 1Fundación Gaia AmazonasThe “Annual Land Cover and Land Use Mapping of Colombia” project is an initiative that involves a collaborative network of specialists in earth sciences, remote sensing, geographic information systems and programming. It uses cloud processing and automated classifiers operated from the Google Earth Engine platform to generate a historical series of annual land cover and land use maps of Colombia's continental surface.Access
GEOVISORGlobal surface water dynamics.Pickens, A.H., Hansen, M.C., Hancher, M., Stehman, S.V., Tyukavina, A., Potapov, P., Marroquin, B., y Sherani, ZGlobal maps derived from all Landsat 5, 7 and 8 scenes highlight changes in surface water extent during this period, and an assessment based on probabilistic samples provides unbiased estimators of permanent water area, seasonal water, water loss, water gain, temporary land, temporary water and high-frequency change.Access
GEOVISORSpatial production allocation modelMAPSPAMA global dataset that provides high spatial resolution estimates of crop area, yield and production, facilitating detailed analysis of agricultural production patterns and informing policy decisions.Access
DOCUMENTARE WE GOING TO STOP THE PRADERIZATION OF THE AMAZON?Murcia-García, U., Quintero, N., Rodríguez, S., Romero, H., y Gualdrón, L. – Instituto Amazónico de Investigaciones Científicas SINCHIAnalysis of the variation of grassland areas in six pilot areas located in the departments of Guainía, Vaupés, Guaviare and Caquetá, based on land cover data for the years 2002, 2007, 2012, 2014 and 2016.Access
DOCUMENTPOSSIBLE AND SUSTAINABLE AMAZONIAComisión Económica para América Latina (CEPAL)This book formulates a vision and policies for the Colombian Amazon region, considering the pressures it faces and the importance of its conservation. The vision integrates its ecological and social characteristics, as well as trends, opportunities and tensions.Access
DOCUMENTAmazonia: agriculture and land use researchCentro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT)The objective of this paper is to present a summary of the main characteristics of the Amazon region, as well as some considerations on its management based on its characteristics and the research carried out, and finally to provide some criteria to define development policies for the region.Access
DOCUMENTDocumentary analysis of the effect of domestic and mining discharges on the water quality of the Condoto River (Chocó, Colombia).Arriaga, D. E. S., y Barriga, J. E. C. (2010)The Condoto River is one of the main tributaries of the San Juan River in the department of Chocó; its waters are used for domestic, recreational, mining, artisanal fishing, navigation, and as a source of water for the Condoto aqueduct.Access
DOCUMENTQuantitative spatial analysis of the transformation of inland wetlands in ColombiaInstituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von HumboldtThis study quantifies the wetland areas affected, identifies the disturbances causing them, and examines their relationship with socioeconomic factors using spatial data and quantitative methods. Findings indicate that most of the transformed wetlands are used for livestock and agriculture, followed by mining, urbanization, and construction.Access
DOCUMENTThis is our mining ColombiaAgencia Nacional de Minería (ANM)The document addresses mining management in Colombia, detailing the distribution of mining titles, the types of minerals exploited and the regions with the most activity.Access
DOCUMENTBiodiversity in the orinoco basinLasso, C. A., J. S. Usma, F. Trujillo y A. Rial – Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt – WWF Colombia – Fundación Omacha – Fundación La Salle – Instituto de Estudios de la Orinoquia (Universidad Nacional de Colombia)This work provides integrated scientific information that has allowed the prioritization of areas for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity in the Orinoco basin.Access
DOCUMENTBiodiversity of flora and fauna associated with mangrove forests in ColombiaÁlvarez-León, R.Representative sample of the existing biodiversity in Colombian mangroves, analyzing their relative abundance in the different forests and highlighting the most representative groups.Access
DOCUMENTBiodiversity: Orinoquia. Status and trends of Colombia's continental biodiversity.Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von HumboldThe paper describes biodiversity trends in the Orinoco region. It deepens in the current knowledge about the biodiversity of this area and analyzes the factors that drive its transformation and loss. In addition, it presents the different responses of society to this problem, such as the implementation of sustainable production systems and other alternatives for conservation and sustainable development.Access
DOCUMENTCLIMATIC CHARACTERIZATION OF THE TRANSITIONAL RAINFOREST TERRITORY OF CUMARIBO, VICHADA (COLOMBIA)Rangel-Ch., J. O., Gopar-M., L. F., y Minorta-C., V. – Universidad Nacional de ColombiaThe characterization of the climate (precipitation-temperature) for the area called “transitional forests of Cumaribo, ichada” and surrounding sectors is presented.Access
DOCUMENTCharacterization of coastal geomorphology and its associated vegetation cover, through remote sensing in the bay of Buenaventura, Valle del Cauca.Álvarez, M., Bermúdez-Rivas, C. y Niño, D.The investigation between La Bocana and Punta Limones, in the municipality of Buenaventura (Valle del Cauca), describes the geomorphological characteristics and vegetation cover along 95.61 km of the Pacific coast of Colombia, using remote sensing through the Light Detection and Ranging-LiDAR airborne technique and satellite images and their products.Access
DOCUMENTSpectral characterization and monitoring of mangrove forests with remote sensing in the Colombian Pacific coast: Bajo Baudó, Chocó.Perea-Ardila, M. A., Leal-Villamil, J., y Oviedo-Barrero, F. – Universidad Politécnica SalesianaThis work aimed to perform the spectral characterization and monitoring of 66.59 km for four BM densities in Bajo Baudó (Colombia), using three Landsat images (1998, 2014 and 2017), spectral band combinations and three vegetation indices (IV) (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index - NDVI, Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index - SAVI and the Combined Mangrove Reconnaissance Index - CMRI).Access
DOCUMENTFloristic and phytogeographic characterization of the southern sector of the Serranía de Perijá and adjacent areas of the Colombian Eastern Cordillera.Vargas Rincón, CThe floristic analysis of the southern sector of the Serranía de Perijá, together with previous studies and data from the northern part of the Cordillera Oriental, revealed phytogeographic affinities with the Cordillera de Mérida in Venezuela and the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta in Colombia. In the southern Perijá 107 families, 258 genera and 301 species were identified, while in the northern Cordillera Oriental 173 families, 837 genera and 1711 species were recorded. The differences are due to the size and altitude of the areas studied. Phytogeographic similarities are high between Perijá, Mérida and the northern Cordillera Oriental, but the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta shows greater differences. The eastern slope of Perijá has greater affinity with Mérida, while the western slope is more similar to the northern Cordillera Oriental and the Sierra Nevada.Access
DOCUMENTCharacterization, diagnosis and analysis of vulnerabilities and threats in the department of Magadalena.Corporación Autónoma Regional del Magdalena (CORPAMAG)The document presents the biophysical diagnosis of the department of Magdalena.Access
DOCUMENTWetland Classification System of Colombia: a fundamental advance in the formulation of open environmental policies.society of wetlands scientistsAlthough it is estimated that 27% of Colombia's area is covered by wetlands, information on their diversity at the national level is limited. In response, a wetland classification system is presented that adopts an ecological approach, based on the flood pulse concept and the hydrogeomorphic approach, using the Brazilian system as a base with geomorphological adjustments for the Colombian topography.Access
DOCUMENTCondition of Continental Ecobiogeographical Units and National System of Protected Areas in Colombia.Latorre Parra, J. P., Jaramillo Rodríguez, O., Corredor Gil, L. P., y Arias Vargas, D. A. – Parques Nacionales Naturales (PNN)The development of this document was aimed at achieving three fundamental objectives: the first objective consisted of mapping, as a conceptual reference framework, both the Biogeographic Units (Provinces and Districts) and the Terrestrial Biomes of Colombia at a scale of 1:100,000.Access
DOCUMENTContextualization of the southern Colombian Amazon.Ruiz, S. L., y Valencia, M. – Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humbold – Corporación para el Desarrollo Sostenible del Sur de la Amazonia (Corpoamazonia)Contextualization of the southern Colombian Amazon.Access
DOCUMENTDETECTION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF COLOMBIAN WETLANDS: Integrating geospatial data with remote sensing derived data. USING ALOS PALSAR AND MODIS IMAGERYInternational Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS)This study presents a method that combines a thematic wetland map with remote sensing data and hydrometeorological stations to characterize Colombian wetlands. Spatial data on landforms, soils and vegetation were integrated, complemented with data derived from active and passive sensors. A flood frequency map based on time series analysis of ALOS PALSAR data (2007-2010) and MODIS NDVI profiles (2007-2012) was used to analyze temporal dynamics.Access
DOCUMENTTechnological and socioeconomic diagnosis of passion fruit and guava crops in Ariari, Meta.Romero-Ramirez, A. C., Salazar-Cerón, M. A., y Orduz-Rodriguez, J. O. – Universidad de CórdobaA survey of 40 guava and 43 passion fruit producers in three municipalities of Meta (Granada, Lejanías and Villavicencio) was carried out to determine the main phytosanitary problems and the management practices used by producers.Access
DOCUMENTDYNAMICS OF AMAZONIAN SOILS: DEGRADATION PROCESSES AND ALTERNATIVES FOR THEIR RECOVERYPeña-Vene gas, C. P., y Cardona, G. I. – Instituto Amazónico de Investigaciones Científicas SINCHIThis book gathers the advances that the BPIN project “Maintenance of soil fertility and generation of technologies for the recovery of degraded areas in the Colombian Amazon” has achieved in the last 10 years (2000-2009).Access
DOCUMENTSpatial distribution of the tropical dry forest in the Cauca ValleyAlvarado-Solano, D. P., y Otero Ospina, J. T. (2015).In the department of Valle del Cauca, the distribution of Tropical Dry Forest (Bosque Seco Tropical, BsT) has been associated with the geographic valley of the Cauca River located in the flat zone. Currently in this zone, its coverage has been reduced to a few relicts that are under some form of conservation and maintain representative areas of the sssstypical vegetation formations of this biome.Access
DOCUMENTBiological and cultural diversity of the department of Guainía.Gobernación de Guainía – WWF Colombia – Corporación para el Desarrollo Sostenible del Norte y el Oriente Amazónico (CDA) – Instituto Amazónico de Investigaciones Científicas SINCHIHistorical background and results of two historical expeditions conducted on the Guaviare (March 2021) and Guainia (October 2021) rivers.Access
DOCUMENTThe Tropical Dry Forest in Colombia. Bogotá, D.C., Colombia: Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt (IAvH).Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von HumboldtMore than forty researchers from over 20 institutions contributed to this book on the state of knowledge, fragmentation, and restoration of dry forest in Colombia. Although some important researchers were left out, the book invites all those interested in continuing work on this key ecosystem for biodiversity and ecosystem services in dry areas of Colombia. The ecological relevance of these ecosystems is just beginning to be understood.Access
DOCUMENTTHE CANAL DEL DIQUE AND ITS SUBREGION: AN ECONOMY BASED ON WATER WEALTHBanco de la República, Centro de Estudios Económicos Regionales (CEER)The document presents the main physical, economic and demographic characteristics associated with the levee canal area.Access
DOCUMENTThe State of the World's Mangroves 2021Spalding, M. D. y Leal, M. – Global Mangrove AllianceThe report reveals the state of scientific information about mangroves worldwide and provides a roadmap to 2030 on how to raise public awareness and gain institutional support to advance mangrove restoration and achieve mangrove recovery on an international scale.Access
DOCUMENTIn three decades, more than 3 million hectares of the Colombian Amazon have been converted into illegal pastures for cattle ranching | STUDYPaz Cardona, A. J. – MONGABAYExponential increase in changes from forest to pasture for illegal cattle ranching, detected by satellite imagery between 1984 and 2019.Access
DOCUMENTState of Brazilian mangrove forests: three decades of satellite data analysis
iniz, C., Cortinhas, L., Nerino, G., Rodrigues, J., Sadeck, L., Adami, M., y Souza-Filho, P. W. M. – Solutions in Geoinformation (Solved) – Federal University of Pará -National Institute for Space Research – University of Maryland –
Instituto Tecnológico Vale
This manuscript presents a pipeline managed by Google Earth Engine (GEE) to calculate the annual status of Brazilian mangroves from 1985 to 2018, along with a new spectral index, the Modular Mangrove Recognition Index (MMRI), which has been specifically designed to better discriminate mangrove forests from the surrounding vegetation.Access
DOCUMENTTrophic state of a tropical high mountain lake: The case of Laguna de la Cocha.López Martínez, M. L., y Madroñero Palacios, S. M. – Universidad Militar Nueva GranadaThis article presents the results of an investigation carried out to determine the trophic status of the La Cocha lagoon, an important water body in Colombia and the world, which is part of the La Cocha lagoon Ramsar wetland, an ecosystem that fulfills different functions and harbors a great biodiversity that is to be protected.Access
DOCUMENTIntegrated development strategy for the Catatumbo regionConsejo Nacional de Política Económica y Social (CONPES)This document proposes a strategy to promote integral development in the region of Catatumbo, Norte de Santander, based on a regional diagnosis and aligned with the pillars of the National Development Plan, Prosperity for All. The strategy includes specific actions to increase economic growth, improve equal opportunities, reduce poverty, and promote peace and security. It also focuses on cross-cutting actions for environmental sustainability and institutional strengthening. To implement the strategy, the active collaboration of the Department and the municipalities is crucial to coordinate financial, administrative and logistical efforts.Access
DOCUMENTTerritorial Strategy for the Management of Rural Property Regularization (ETGRPR) in the Orinoquia RegionUnidad de Planificación Rural Agropecuaria (UPRA) – Proyecto Biocarbono OrinoquiaThis alternative was formulated to address the problems of informal rural land tenure and to progressively improve the legal status of unlegalized land.Access
DOCUMENTMain ecological structure of the Colombian OrinoquiaPrüssmann J., Rincón S. A., Tavera H. A., Suárez C. F. – World Wildlife Fund (WWF)This document summarizes the process used to update and adjust the land zoning methodology under sustainable use criteria.Access
DOCUMENTMultitemporal study of sugar cane cultivation in the municipality of Palmira according to the 2001-2014 land use plan.Vela Fonseca, A. L., y Rodríguez Lugo, D. A. – Universidad Santo Tomás.This study analyzed the territorial occupation of sugarcane crops in Palmira (Valle del Cauca) in relation to the norms of the Land Management Plan (POT) adopted by Agreement 109 of 2001 and its modifications during 14 years. Using remote sensing and geographic information systems, the cultivated area was quantified over time. The interpretation of satellite images required adjusting geometry, radiometry and texture, applying contrast enhancement to distinguish the sugarcane crop from other surrounding land cover.Access
DOCUMENTContinental regional study of homogeneous zones in the Department of Guaviare, San José Del Guaviare.Alonso Moreno, Y. L., Álvarez Zapata, A., Cardenas Mahecha, L. P., Castro Salamanca, J. D., Delvalle Quevedo, R., Díaz Rodríguez, G. J., Hernández Rodríguez, D. E., Herrera Tequia, E. A., Liévano Latorre, L. F., López García, V. A., Martínez Rodríguez, C. D., Ojeda Prieto, L. M., Orjuela León, S., Ramírez Bastidas, R. H., Robles Sánchez, A., y Rodríguez Mora, D. F. – Universidad Nacional de ColombiaApproach to the composition, structure and function of the arthropofauna, vegetation and limnological aspects in several ecosystems of the municipality of San José del Guaviare.Access
DOCUMENTTechnical, economic, social and environmental study of the Almorzadero Paramo Complex in the jurisdiction of the Corporación Autónoma Regional de la Frontera Nororiental (Corponor).Sánchez Pulido, H. A., Hernández Pérez, N. J., Gauta, J., Gendler, A., Reyes Camargo, S. J., Gualdrón Guerrero, C. A., Acevedo Rincón, A. A. – Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt – Universidad de PamplonaThe main objective of this document is to make visible the biotic, physical and socioeconomic characteristics of the environment of the El Almorzadero Paramo in Norte de Santander, in order to support decision making for its conservation. Ecosystem services, such as water and food supply, and conflicts associated with resource use are highlighted. Two biophysical regions influenced by the Orinoco and the Andes were identified, and 37 micro-watersheds were analyzed. The study municipalities are Chitagá, Labateca and Santo Domingo de Silos. The socioeconomic study was carried out through surveys and interviews in areas with the highest percentage of páramo, supported by cartographic information from various institutions.Access
DOCUMENTAlluvial gold mining by municipality (EVOA)Ministerio de Minas y EnergíaAlluvial gold mining by municipalityAccess
DOCUMENTGlobal Mining Areas and Validation Datasets.Maus, Victor; Giljum, Stefan; Gutschlhofer, Jakob; da Silva, Dieison M; Probst, Michael; Gass, Sidnei L B; Luckeneder, Sebastian; Lieber, Mirko; McCallum, Ian" It contains over 21,000 polygons of mining-related activities, primarily coal and metallic minerals. Various data sources were compiled to identify the approximate location of active mines at any time between the years 2000 and 2017. This dataset does not cover all existing mining locations worldwide. The polygons were expertly delineated using cloud-free Sentinel-2 and very high resolution satellite imagery available from Google Satellite and Bing Imagery. "Access
DOCUMENTHotspots of Wetland Area Loss in Colombiasociety of wetlands scientists" Using official wetland and land cover maps, wetland areas with non-natural land cover, such as pastures and crops, were quantified and regions with greater transformations were identified. Approximately 24% of the mapped wetland areas have cover types related to intensive land use. Grasslands represent 4 million hectares, covering 50% of the transformed wetland areas. Fourteen critical regions of wetland loss were identified in Colombia. "Access
DOCUMENTSpatial identification of Colombia's inland wetland systemsInstituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt" A flood frequency map, based on radar images, was integrated to capture the spatial and temporal dynamics of the ecosystem. A total of 30,781,149 hectares of wetlands were identified, representing 26.99% of the continental area, distributed in categories: permanent (open or under canopy), temporary and potential (medium and low), with temporary wetlands being the most extensive (17,861,536 ha). "Access
DOCUMENTAMAZONIA VIVA 2022 REPORTVergara, A., Arias, M., Gachet, B., Naranjo, L.G., Román, L., Surkin, J. y Tamayo, V. – World Wildlife Fund (WWF)The Living Amazon 2022 Report is based on the conviction that the destiny of humanity is inseparable from the destiny of the Amazon and that humanity has within its reach the means to guarantee a prosperous life for all without destroying the natural wealth of the biome on which our collective well-being is based.Access
DOCUMENTThe Colombian Amazon in the New Agricultural PhaseFajardo Montaña, D. – Instituto Amazónico de Investigaciones Científicas (SINCHI)" The Amazon, a space shared by several countries, has received from each of them a different valuation, both within their spatial planning and their foreign policy. For Colombia it has been a marginal space, destined to generate some exportables and only from the first half of the XX century it begins to be incorporated in the territorial policy of the Colombian State. "Access
DOCUMENT" La Chagra la Chorrera: more than a subsistence production, it is a source of communication and physical and spiritual nourishment for the Sons of tobacco, coca and sweet cassava. "Instituto Amazónico de Investigaciones Científicas (SINCHI)" The paper analyzes the chagra, a space cultivated by indigenous people in the Colombian Amazon, highlighting its sustainable management and its role in food self-sufficiency. It also reviews the related traditional agricultural process and its importance for food security. "Access
DOCUMENT" The chagra: Collective patrimony of the Amazonian Indigenous Communities "Vélez O, G. A. – Grupo SemillasThe document addresses the agroforestry system of the indigenous chagra in the Colombian Amazon, highlighting its relationship with the environment, sustainable practices and the traditional knowledge of various ethnic groups.Access
DOCUMENT"The best Orinoquia we can build. Elements for the environmental sustainability of development "Rodríguez Becerra, M., Wills Herrera, E., Andrade Pérez, G., Uribe, E., Rudas, G., Durán, A., y Castro, L. G. – Universidad de los Andes" The purpose of this book is to promote and stimulate a social dialogue on the present and future of the Colombian Orinoquia, a region undergoing an unprecedented process of economic, social and ecological transformation. "Access
DOCUMENTThe Sierra Nevada de Güicán, BoyacáTovar Ariza, R. – Sociedad Geográfica de Colombia" This document provides a detailed overview of the state of the Cocuy Glacier in 1962. It highlights key aspects such as the extent and health of the glacier in that year, changes in its ice mass, and environmental factors that could have influenced its condition. "Access
DOCUMENT" Vegetation in the transitional forest territory of Cumaribo, Vichada (Colombia): Floristic composition and main structural aspects. "Minorta-C., V., Rangel-Ch., J. O., Aymard, G., & Castro-Lima, F. – Universidad Nacional de Colombia" The characterization of the vegetation of several localities of the municipality of Cumaribo, department of Vichada, and adjacent areas of the departments of Guainía and Guaviare is presented. "Access
DOCUMENTAnnotated list of the vascular plants of the dry inter-Andean enclave of La Tatacoa (Huila, Colombia).Figueroa C., Yisela, y Galeano, Glorea" A floristic inventory of the dry inter-Andean enclave of La Tatacoa, in the Magdalena Valley, Huila, Colombia, is presented, where 223 species, 170 genera and 60 families were identified. The most diverse family was Leguminosae with 36 species, followed by Poaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Asteraceae and Cactaceae. Herbs were the most abundant life form, and most species were found in open areas and stream banks. Four important chorological findings were recorded, including the first record of Senna uniflora in Colombia. "Access
DOCUMENTMagdalena Renace. Departmental Agricultural Extension Plan 2020-2023Gobernacion del Magdalena" Agricultural extension plan for the department of Magdalena for the period 2020-2023 "Access
DOCUMENTMethodological proposal for physical processes characterization of shallow tropical wetland complexesAponte Amaya, F. M., Escobar-Vargas, J., y Santos Rocha, A. C.This study presents a methodological proposal for water characterization in shallow tropical wetland complexes, structured in nine steps using available secondary information and primary data obtained in the field. The La Rinconada wetland complex (Magdalena, Colombia) was chosen as a case study to validate the methodology.Access
DOCUMENTMicroanalysis of agricultural evaluations - EVAs: Boyacá.Unidad de Planificación Rural Agropecuaria (UPRA)A microanalysis of the agricultural evaluations in Boyacá for the year 2022 is carried outAccess
DOCUMENTVegetation patterns and land use types in the Patía valleyVergara Varela, H.The dry forest vegetation of the Patía River Valley, Cauca, has been altered by crops and pastures, with forest remnants characterized by their structure and floristic composition between 500 and 800 m altitude. Six structural and floristic types were identified, ranging from forest to grasslands, reflecting successional stages of the fragments. Land use has maintained increasing grassland cover since 1961, resulting in disturbed and fragmented forests. Social and economic factors have influenced the transformation of these plant communities.Access
DOCUMENTPatterns and trends of urban transition in ColombiaDepartamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadística (DANE)Patterns and trends of urban transition in ColombiaAccess
DOCUMENTProduction profile Municipality CurumaníPrograma de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo (PNDU)Presents the general panorama, which identifies the current economic activities in Curumaní.Access
DOCUMENTAction Plan 2020 - 2023Corporación Autònoma Regional de la Orinoquía (Corporinoquia)Planning instrument of the Regional Autonomous Corporations, which specifies their institutional commitment to achieve the objectives and goals set forth in the Regional Environmental Management Plan.Access
DOCUMENTBiodiversity Action Plan 2006 - 2030Delgado A., Ruiz S., Arévalo L., Castillo G., Viles N – . Corporación Autónoma Regional de Nariño (Corponariño) – Gobernación de Nariño – Secretaría de Agricultura – Instituto de Investigaciòn de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt – Unidad Administrativa Especial del Sistema de Parques Nacionales Naturales (UAESPNN) – Territorial Surandina – Universidad de Nariño – Universidad Mariana – Asociación para el Desarrollo CampesinoColombia, recognized for its high biological and cultural diversity, still faces challenges in the knowledge and conservation of its biodiversity. The department of Nariño, with its ecological richness and strategic location, is a multiethnic and multicultural territory. In 2003, Corponariño and the Humboldt Institute signed an agreement to promote the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, which gave rise to the Nariño Biodiversity Action Plan. This plan is aligned with national and international legal frameworks, such as the Convention on Biological Diversity and Law 99 of 1993.Access
DOCUMENTBIODIVERSITY ACTION PLAN FOR THE ORINOCO BASIN - COLOMBIA 2005 - 2015Correa, H. D, Ruiz, S. L. y Arévalo, L. M. – Corporación Autònoma Regional de la Orinoquía (Corporinoquia) – Corporación para el Desarrollo Sostenible del área de Manejo Especial La Macarena (Cormacarena) – I.A.v.H – Unitrópico – Fundación Omacha – Fundación Horizonte Verde, Universidad Javeriana – Unillanos – World Wildlife Fund (WWF)This document presents the main products of the diagnostic and formulation phases of the action plan, which were carried out with the participation of the scientific community, communities and national, regional and local institutions.Access
DOCUMENTRegional Environmental Management Plan 2013 - 2025Corporación Autònoma Regional de la Orinoquía (Corporinoquia)This document is a Regional Environmental Planning tool. It discusses the region's environmental challenges and the actions that can be taken to address them. It also provides information on the legal framework for the management and conservation of natural resources and the environment.Access
DOCUMENTDisaster risk management plan, municipality of HervéoConsejo Municipal de Gestión del Riesgo de Desastres (CMGRD)" The Local Emergency and Contingency Plan seeks to comply with the requirements of the Development Plan and the National Plan for disaster attention and prevention. Implementing the National Plan at the local level, the design of the plan is based on a participatory approach to achieve concrete short-term results and align with the long-term needs of the municipality. The objective is to establish a lasting program with defined responsibilities, addressing immediate needs while maintaining options for technical studies and future adaptations. "Access
DOCUMENTParticipative environmental management plan for the Cabí river basin, municipalities of Quibdó and Atrato.Botero, J. R. S., y Cañadas, G. M. D. (2008).The article is based on the final report of the project Formulation of the participatory environmental management plan for the Cabí river basin, municipalities of Quibdó and Atrato. Department of Chocó, Colombia. It presents the implementation experience of this project, through which concerted, viable and pertinent solutions were designed to counteract the worrying current environmental problems of this strategic ecosystem.Access
DOCUMENTDepartmental agricultural extension plan 2020-2023Secretaria de agricultura y desarrollo rural de BolívarThe department of Bolivar, in line with its vocation for the conservation of its natural and cultural wealth, will define development strategies that will allow it to consolidate itself as an articulating nucleus of sustainable initiatives.Access
DOCUMENTComprehensive plan for agricultural and rural development with a territorial approachOrganización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura – Agencia de Desarrollo RuralThe Integrated Agricultural and Rural Development Plans with a Territorial Approach (PIDARET) are key tools for managing rural development from the territories. These plans are based on a broad concept of rural development, understood as a complex system that encompasses various areas. Although historically it has been associated with agro-productive development, it is now recognized that in order to achieve integral development it is necessary to understand its relationship with other aspects of territorial development.Access
DOCUMENTIntegral territorial climate change management plan Cesar 2032Ministerio de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sostenible (MADS)This document presents a proposal for the Integrated Territorial Climate Change Management Plan (PIGCCT) for the department of Cesar, focusing on an optimistic vision towards 2032. Its purpose is to help the department improve its capacity to adapt to the increase in average temperature and changes in precipitation caused by climate change. In addition, it seeks to implement actions at the departmental level that reduce Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions, in line with the commitments made by Colombia when signing the Paris Agreement.Access
DOCUMENTIntegral Climate Change Management Plan for the department of VaupésCorporación para el Desarrollo Sostenible del Norte y el Oriente Amazónico (CDA) – Departamento del Vaupés – Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo (PNUD)Integral Climate Change Management Plan for the department of VaupésAccess
DOCUMENTEVOA 2020 PresentationUnited Nations Office on Drugs and Crime.EVOA 2020 PresentationAccess
DOCUMENTMain vegetation types of “La Ceiba”(Guainía), Colombian GuyanaRudas LL., A., Prieto C., A. y Rangel-Churio, J. O. – Universidad Nacional de ColombiaThe results of the study of the vegetation in the surroundings of “La Ceiba”, which is part of the Colombian Guayana, are presented. By means of an analysis of ordination and classification with the statistical programs DCA and Twinspan, thirteen types of vegetation were differentiated: seven for the woody vegetation and six for the herbaceous vegetation.Access
DOCUMENTPrinciples and criteria for the delimitation of inland wetlands. A tool to strengthen resilience and adaptation to climate change in Colombia.Vilardy, S., Jaramillo, Ú., Flórez, C., Cortés-Duque, J., Estupiñán, L., Rodríguez, J.,…Aponte, C. – Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von HumboldtBased on the current inputs, the Humboldt Institute conducted an analysis to propose criteria for the delimitation of wetlands. As a result of this process, wetlands are approached as social-ecological systems and delimitation as a process that is part of the integrated management of these ecosystems, for which it is necessary to take into account two types of criteria: 1. Criteria for identifying the functional boundary of the wetland, and 2.Access
DOCUMENTEnvironmental problems and territorial management in Colombia Methodological contributions from spatial analysis.Pérez Forero, N. A., Clavijo Bernal, O. F., Ruiz González, P. A., Heredia Ramírez, S. V., Peña Santana, D. J., y Moreno Saboyá, Y. A. – Universidad Nacional de ColombiaEnvironmental problems and territorial management in Colombia Methodological contributions from spatial analysis.Access
DOCUMENTCaribbean Region - National natural parksParques Nacionales Naturales (PNN)Contains information and references to the different protected areas found within the Colombian Caribbean region.Access
DOCUMENTThe development of the Amazonian mega-wetland (Miocene; Brazil, Colombia, Peru, Bolivia)Hoorn, C., Wesselingh, F. P., Hovikoski, J., y Guerrero, J. – Servicio geologico colombiano (SGC)During the Early Miocene, the fluvial systems of the western Amazon were replaced by a mega-wetland that included lakes, marshes and tidal channels. This aquatic environment, influenced by Andean uplift and high precipitation rates, supported a diverse fauna and was surrounded by palm groves and rainforests. Early stages of wetland development are documented in boreholes in the sub-Andean basins of Peru and Colombia, where lake and river conditions alternated.Access
DOCUMENTAn ecosystem approach for the analysis of a dense time series of Alos PALSAR radar images for the mapping of flooded areas in continental Colombia.Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von HumboldtA methodology for the interpretation and processing of wideband (WB) and polarization (HH) Alos PALSAR radar images for flood detection at 100 m resolution is presented.
L-band radar waves allow flood detection and classification in open and under-canopy areas with high accuracy. An analysis of 29 image mosaics (2007-2011) generated flood maps, including data from extreme climate years such as El Niño and La Niña, establishing a representative baseline.
DOCUMENTOil palm in the department of NariñoFedepalma (2021)Oil palm in the department of Nariño in the year 2020Access
DOCUMENTCondition of continental ecobiogeographical units and national system of protected areas in Colombia (Geographic database at scale 1: 100,000).Parques Nacionale Naturales (PNN)Reference cartography of the Biogeographic Units (Provinces and Districts), and Terrestrial Biomes of Colombia at a scale of 1:100,000.Access
DOCUMENTThe Global Mangrove Watch—A New 2010 Global Baseline of Mangrove ExtentBunting P., Rosenqvist A., Lucas R., Rebelo L-M., Hilarides L., Thomas N., Hardy A., Itoh T., Shimada M. y Finlayson C.MThis dataset was generated by Aberystwyth University as part of the Global Mangrove Watch (GMW) project, which is part of the Kyoto & Carbon Initiative of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) and the Mangrove Capital Africa Program coordinated by Wetlands International and funded by DOB Ecology. The map (v2.0) shows the global extent of mangrove forests for the year 2010, derived from random forest classification of a combination of L-band radar (ALOS PALSAR) and optical (Landsat-5, -7) satellite data.Access
DOCUMENTMonitoring of forests and other land cover of the Colombian Amazon, at a scale of 1:100,000Instituto Amazónico de Investigaciones Científicas (SINCHI)Result of the analysis of multitemporal change of the Amazonian land cover during 2002 to 2012, with emphasis on the changes from the period 207 to 2012.Access
DOCUMENTA global method to identify trees outside of closed-canopy forests with medium-resolution satellite imageryBrandt J., y Stolle FTree extent in urban areas, agricultural lands, and in open canopy and dry forest ecosystems. Here we present a globally consistent method for identifying trees with canopy diameters greater than 3 m with medium resolution optical and radar imagery. The 10-m Sentinel-2 optical imagery and Sentinel-1 radar imagery are used every two weeks, cloud-free and with panoramic sharpness, to train a fully convolutional network, consisting of a convolutional gated recurrent unit layer and a feature pyramid attention layer.Access
DOCUMENTWetland Habitat Diversity in the Amazonian Piedmont of ColombiaAbell R, Thieme ML, Revenga C, Bryer M, Kottelat M, Bogutskaya N, Coad B, Mandrak N, Balderas SC, Bussing W, Stiassny MLJ, Skelton P, Allen GR, Unmack P, Naseka A, Ng R, Sindorf N, Robertson J, Armijo E, Higgins JV, Heibel TJ, Wikramanayake E, Olson D, López HL, Reis RE, Lundberg JG, Sabaj Pérez MH, Petry PThis study analyzed the distribution and diversity of wetlands in the Amazon piedmont of the department of Caquetá, Colombia, integrating geomorphological, hydrochemical and biotic attributes. A total of 896 wetlands were identified, covering up to 11% of the study area, although only 29.3% of the estimated area corresponds to wetlands, because 76.9% of the active floodplain has been converted to pasture.Access
DASHBOARDBioregions 2023One EarthOne Earth presents a new biogeographic framework called Bioregions 2023, which delineates 185 discrete bioregions organized within the world's major biogeographic realms.Access
DASHBOARDCoverage monitoring in National Parks of Colombia. 2019-2023.Parques Nacionales Naturales (PNN)Satellite monitoring of land covers that cover the National Natural Parks (PNN) of Colombia at a scale of 1:25,000 with the objective of analyzing the dynamics of land covers within the PNN with a level of detail greater than the 1:100,000 scale that has been carried out since the year 2000. This monitoring makes an annual reading, based on the interpretation of Planet Scope satellite images for the 53 continental parks of the Colombian National Natural Park System, with an identification and classification of land cover greater than 1 hectare.Access
DASHBOARDAverage Annual Praderization RateInstituto Amazónico de Investigaciones Científicas SINCHI – Sistema de Información Ambiental Territorial de la Amazonia Colombiana (SIAT-AC)This dashboard allows you to visualize the affected areas according to the selected filter. In addition, it presents explanatory graphics for each spatial unit of reference, which you can navigate using the arrows at the bottom.Access
DASHBOARDEVOA – ARCGISESRIGeographic viewer with level mining data for Colombia from high resolution images. Data are available from 2015 onwards.Access
CODE EDITORGlobal PALSAR-2/PALSAR Forest/Non-Forest Map.Masanobu Shimada, Takuya Itoh, Takeshi Motooka, Manabu Watanabe, Shiraishi Tomohiro, Rajesh Thapa, y Richard LucasThe global forest/non-forest (FNF) map is generated by classifying the SAR (backscatter coefficient) image in the 25 m resolution PALSAR-2/PALSAR SAR global mosaic, so that strong and low backscatter pixels are assigned as “forest” and “non-forest”, respectively.Access
CODE EDITORPlanet & NICFI Basemaps for Tropical Forest Monitoring - Tropical Americas.Planet TeamPlanet Scope image mosaics on a semi-annual or monthly basis.Access
CODE EDITORTensor Flow Hydra Flood Models.Mayer, T., Poortinga, A., Bhandari, B., Nicolau, A.P., Markert, K., Thwal, N.S., Markert, A., Haag, A., Kilbride, J., Chishtie, F. and Wadhwa, A.This dataset is a surface water output image from the Hydrologic Remote Sensing Analysis for Floods (HYDRAFloods) system that uses a Deep Learning Tensor Flow approach. Specifically, this Joint Research Center (JRC) binary cross-entropy (BCE) adjusted learning rate data model and methodology are discussed in detail in the recent.Access
CLOUDSentinel-2 forest loss alert.

A.H. Pickens, M.C. Hansen, B. Adusei, P. Potapov, University of MarylandNear real-time mapped primary forest loss at 10 m resolution using Sentinel-2 multispectral data. Clouds, shadows, and water are detected in each new Sentinel-2 image and a forest loss algorithm is applied to all remaining clear terrain observations. The algorithm is based on spectral data from each new image in combination with spectral metrics from a reference period of the previous two years. Confidence is built through repeated observations of loss in the ensuing images.Access